homoclinic tangle

Homoclinic Tangle

Formation of a homoclinic tangle

Chaos, Complexity, Homoclinic Tangles, and Big Data

Transient chaos on a homoclinic tangle

Separatrix Splitting Leads to Chaos via Homoclinic Tangle | Forced Double-Well Oscillator Example

Hamiltonian System Chaos, Separatrix Splitting, Turnstile Lobe Dynamics, Homoclinic Tangle, Lect 22

C14 Homoclinic bifurcation.

Particle trajectories integrated through the double gyre illustrate heteroclinic tangle

Entrainment of Air Into a Hurricane via Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) | Lobe Dynamics #shorts

596.2 Rational Tangle Basics

Heteroclinic connection between equilibria (01)

GPU-based simulations of homoclinic bifurcation structures

DE, Orbits, Homoclinic orbits

Homoclinic Chaos

Dynamics of the Guckenheimer-Holmes cycle

ChaosBook.org chapter Stretch, fold, prune - Heteroclinic connections

Homoclinic spirals

Symplectic geometry of hyperbolic cylinders and their homoclinic intersections - Jean-Pierre Marco

DE, Orbits, Heteroclinic orbits

A horseshoe map within a weakly forced pendulum system

Chaos in the Three-Body Problem

NLDC-II Lecture 1

Symbolic dynamics with GPUs for homoclinic chaos

Bifurcations in 2D, Part 4: Global Bifurcations, Limit Cycle Creation | Homoclinic Bifurcation